Talking cancer podcast
This was a big project I completed while working as a Digital Editor at Macmillan Cancer Support. My job was to optimise the podcasts page, making the page tidier and more attractive to supporters.
Re-structuring the page
What I did
I re-structured the whole page in order to make the format more presentable, this included using more headings. I explored features in the content management system which would make the content much more navigable. The ordering system allows users to jump straight to the podcast series they would like to listen to without scrolling down the whole page.
Sorting out the series
What I did
Each episode had its own heading to make them more distinguishable.
For accessibility, I included the timestamp of the podcasts which makes it clear how long each episode is and gives users the chance to decide whether they have the time to listen to them.
Provided transcripts to help users that prefer text format to audio.
Inserted lots of useful links to further information and support pages as episodes raised very important topics.
About page
What I did
I decided to put an ‘about’ section on the page so people can understand the background to the podcast and find out more about the presenter and topics covered.
I added an image of the current presenter which makes the podcast more personable. A lot of people decide to listen to podcasts based on who the presenter is so having a visual aid is key.
The partnership logo adds credibility to the podcast.